Dust off your summer frocks and dig out your swimsuits my friends, because this Friday is the shortest day of the year. In practical terms it mightn’t mean much (Saturday brings us just one extra second of daylight) but to me, it means everything. In fact, call me an optimist or just call me crazy, but I’d go so far as to say that as of next weekend we’re on the downhill slide to summer.
Unfortunately, the Bureau of Meteorology doesn’t quite share my optimism, with highs of just 14 degrees predicted in NSW over the next month. Yuck. And while I will be choosing to live in denial by switching my lunchtime workouts in tights and sleeves for 6am sprint sessions in short shorts and a singlet, I thought it would be irresponsible of me to suggest you do the same. Instead I come bearing a gift for you – this glute and leg workout that you can do at the gym, in a park or (perhaps most appealingly) in the comfort of your own, centrally heated home. Wherever you choose to do this workout, you can be sure it’ll help get your butt and legs looking and feeling leaner, stronger and sexier by the time summer rolls around… whenever that many be.
Do-anywhere Glutes & Legs Workout
Single leg bridge x 15/leg (hold at top and squeeze glutes before slowly lowering)
Plank x 30 seconds
Mountain climbers x 30/leg
Step ups x 15/leg (if you’ve got dumbbells, use for extra difficulty)
High knees x 30/leg
(repeat three times with one minute break between sets)
100 lunge jumps/static lunges*
[10 reps / 10 secs rest; 10 reps / 10 secs rest etc]
Tabata squats/squat jumps* (Don’t know what Tabata is? Check this out)
Compound exercises like squat jumps and lunge jumps are great because they’ll not only strengthen your butt and legs, they’re also big calorie burners. And when you mix one part compound exercise with one part Tabata the result is pretty much hell on earth (in a good way)! Give it a shot during the week and let me know what you think.
* If you’re a beginner, stick with static versions of these exercises (static lunges and bodyweight squats). You’ll still get a great workout, and you can focus on ensuring your form is good before taking on the jumps!
Come to Melbourne to experience the real cold. Feel as if I am turning into a hibernating bear with a layer of fat for insulation.
No thank you. I choose to live in Sydney and plan indoor sessions for a reason…. you can keep your ugly Melbourne weather!