So I’ve started to get into Masterchef this year and it’s become a bit of an addiction – I find myself watching it whenever I make it home in time (ok full disclosure: I’ve been known to stream it on my phone too). You know what’s not so addictive though? The ad breaks! They are slowly killing me. I have come to the realisation that Masterchef is actually 33% ad breaks, 33% contestant sob stories and 34% cooking. Now I’m all for 67% of the production decisions, but you can keep your ad breaks thank you very much. Amirite? I’m going to assume you gave me a little ‘hell yes!’ there, even if it was just in your head.
Anyway, I’ve come up with a genius little plan for us and I think you’re going to like it: instead of listening to Gary waxing lyrical about Citibank, trying to believe George’s deep and obviously genuine love for Vittoria Coffee or mindlessly flipping through the other 786 channels, why not make the most of the ad break with a cheeky little 4-minute workout? It’s a great idea, I know. And of course, I don’t expect you to design your own 4-minute workout… I’ve gone and done the hard work for you.
This 4-minute workout is designed to burn calories, sure, but more than that, it’s designed to get you moving at a time when you’d otherwise be sitting around twiddling your thumbs. And by the time you get through your show, you’ll have 12-20 minutes of additional movement under your belt. Now that is what I call a win!
Happy Tuesday Team xx
[…] Set Yourself Challenges to do While You’re Watching TV It doesn’t have to be anything groundbreaking, try something simple, like: By the end of the episode – 100 squats and 50 tricep dips 1-minute plank every ad break 10 burpees every time Matt Preston looks like he wants to make sweet sweet love to the food he’s tasting This 4-minute ad-break workout […]