So you work out, but you’d like to give your derriere and the rest of the powerhouse that is your lower body a little extra attention, huh? Well then, have I got the thing for you! Forget the boring old squat challenge, my 28-Day Lower Body Challenge is free (of course), simple to follow, won’t chew into your time too much and – most importantly – it’ll get you results!
All the movements are really simple (and you can exchange static versions for higher intensity jump versions and 2-limb exercises for single-limb exercises if you like), plus I’ve got easy-to-follow videos of each exercise, right down the bottom of this page. So without further adieu… let me introduce you to the…
Save it to your desktop, print it off, stick it up in your office kitchen… basically do it however and wherever you want, but make sure you do it! As with all exercise, it’ll work best when combined with a healthy diet (that means ditch the added sugars ad refined carbs and focus on protein, veggies and good quality carbs instead) and a broader exercise regime that combines strength, HIIT, cardio and yoga to ensure you’re lengthening, strengthening and stripping body fat at the same time!
You can start any time, and my best advice is to rope in a few friends to do it with you – I really can’t stress enough what a major difference it’ll make to do it with the support of some friends! You can share across your social media using the buttons at the bottom of this article too, so it’s super simple. If you’re up for it, before and after photos are also a good idea – often it’s not until you lay those pics next to each other that you can really see the improvements.
I would absolutely LOVE you to share your before and after pics with me, just make sure you’re following me on Instagram ( so you can tag me! Alternatively you can shoot me an email ([email protected]). And if you’ve got any questions/comments/concerns etc, please drop me a note in the comments section below.
p.s As always, please consult your doctor before embarking on a new exercise regime.
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