I’m not really one for overly complicated workouts using too many pieces of equipment. For starters, if you’re working out in your home gym (or as most people refer to it, their ‘backyard’ or ‘balcony’) you don’t want to be forced to invest in too many pieces of equipment. And if you’re working out in a gym, the last thing you want is the anxiety of having to race around the gym floor, sneaking glances out of the corner of your eye so you can pounce on the leg press/rower/chest press when it becomes available.
Nope, it’s the simple life for me.
Generally I like to pick one or two pieces of equipment and build a workout around them… and today I’ve done just that, with the kettlebell and my beloved skipping rope. If you’re new to Lazy Girl Fitness, you may not be aware of my love affair with skipping, but trust me, you’ll soon understand (seriously; type ‘skipping’ into the search bar of my blog and you’ll find a plethora of workouts featuring this humble little movement).
This is a high intensity pyramid workout and I don’t think there’s a muscle group it doesn’t hit. Try it and let let know what you think in the comments below!
LGF Skipping and kettlebell pyramid workout
Round 1: 12 reps of each exercise + 3 minutes’ skipping
Each round, reduce reps by 2 and skipping by 30 seconds
So; final round will be 2 reps per exercise + 30 seconds’ skipping
KB squats
Push ups
KB swings
Chest-to-ground burpees
KB upright row
KB overhead lunges
Hungarian twist
Much love and wishes for an excellent week!
Jess xx
p.s If you’ve never used a kettlebell before, I’d suggest getting some expert guidance before jumping in. It’s an incredibly versatile and effective little hunk of metal, but it’s also quite easy to injure yourself if you’re not careful.
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