You know what’s better than working out alone? Well, lots of things actually. But for the purposes of today’s post, the answer is ‘working out with a friend!’. For starters, it’s waaaay harder to skip a workout when you’ve got someone who’ll make you feel guilty about it. You’ll go harder when you’ve got someone to compete against too. Oh plus you’ve got someone to chat with about how much fun burpees are while you’re during burpees together. It’s almost too much, right?! And if none of that gets you going, then just think of the coffee you’ll get to have together afterwards.
Sold? Excellent. Now check out this super simple 20-minute bodyweight partner workout, grab a mate, and get into it!
20-minute bodyweight partner workout
45 seconds per exercise then switch with your partner (allow 15 second changeover/rest time if needed). Repeat both exercises before moving onto the next set.
Set 1
Bodyweight squats
Walkout with push ups
Set 2
Travelling lunges
Shuttle runs
Set 3
Bicycle abs
Set 4
Single leg hip raise (one set per leg)
Set 5
High-to-low plank
Squat jumps
If you’ve never tried a partner workout before then you’ve just gotta trust me here Team, working out with a friend is going to change your (fitness-related) life. Enjoy xx
Having a partner to workout makes you regular in your workouts.