Hi! I’m Jess – health and fitness writer and certified crazy dog lady living in Sydney, Australia.
I love exercise and movement, but after having two babies in quick succession, I’ve struggled to find time to focus on my own physical and mental health.
I created Lazy Girl Fitness pre-babies, when I was working as a personal trainer. It is, and always will be, a place where fitness and good health is accessible, enjoyable and never intimidating; where food isn’t ‘good’ or ‘bad’; and where skipping a workout doesn’t leave result in body-crushing feelings of guilt.
One day soon I’ll get back to personal training, but for now, Lazy Girl Fitness is a place where I can share my own journey back to physical and mental good health. And yeah, there’ll be some mum stuff, but I hope there’s also lots of stuff here that everyone can relate to.
If you’ve got any questions or suggestions, drop me a line – I’d love to chat! And in the meantime, thanks for visiting… I hope you’ll stay awhile!
Disclaimer (4 July, 2021): I am not currently a registered personal trainer, and any workouts I share are workouts I have designed for myself and my body.