It’s almost time to pack away the electric blanket, strip off those winter layers and re-enter the world of sunshine and happiness, because in approximately 60 hours the clock ticks over to spring and everything will be right with the world once more. And what better way to kick off everyone’s favourite season* than with a 30-day fitness challenge you can do at home?…
28-Day Lower Body Challenge
So you work out, but you’d like to give your derriere and the rest of the powerhouse that is your lower body a little extra attention, huh? Well then, have I got the thing for you! Forget the boring old squat challenge, my 28-Day Lower Body Challenge is free (of course), simple to follow, won’t chew into your time too much and – most importantly – it’ll get you results! …
28-Day Abs Challenge
Two years ago I put together the first of my online fitness challenges. It was called the 28-Day Abs Challenge, and to this day it remains one of the most popular things on the LGF website. The only thing is that it’s now a little… clunky. It ran over four weeks, as six separate posts and, well, it’s just not exactly the most user-friendly thing out there. And what does that mean? Well Team, it’s just had a makeover….
LGF #10aDay – Days 25-31
It’s Christmas Eve, and I know that exercise is probably the last thing on your mins. BUT you’ve made it this far, and I am positive that you’ve got another seven days in you. It’s only 10 minutes, so think of the Christmas pudding and ham and get in and get it done. My plan is to get up early and sneak in a workout before anyone else is awake, so I can spend the rest of the day relaxing with my family….
LGF #10aDay – Days 17-24
#LGF10aDay – Days 9-16
Unless you’ve been living under a really boring rock, you’ll know that the very excellent, very simple and very F-U-N #LGF10aDay Challenge kicked off last week. The concept is pretty simple – 10 minutes a day, every day, throughout December. It’s your (completely free) ticket to a healthy silly season. I’ve put together a workout for every day of the month (yep, including Christmas Day). All bodyweight exercises, all simple enough to do in your own home or backyard….
LGF 10 a Day Challenge STARTS TOMORROW
It’s happening Team – the Lazy Girl Fitness 10 a Day Challenge starts tomorrow! In case you missed my last post, the 10 a Day Challenge is all about committing to a 10-minute workout every day for the month of December – a time when Christmas parties and good times occasionally (ok, often) get in the way of good physical and mental health….
The LGF 10-a-Day December Challenge – Starts Tuesday
The Christmas period is one of my absolute favourite times of the year. I know plenty of people take issue with the decorations on display and the carols being piped through stores pre-December but if you ask me, November onwards is fair game for anything festive!…
28-Day Upper Body Challenge – Done!
28 days.
960 push-ups.
960 supermans.
960 tricep dips.
7mins 30secs high to low plank.
4mins 10secs air punching.
1min 40secs plank row.
I told you that it was no ordinary push up challenge and look at that – YOU MADE IT! The LGF 28-Day Upper Body Challenge is officially complete.
Apologies for the delay in this post but if, like me, you’re finding it difficult to lift your arms to the keyboard and you feel like you’d rather stab yourself in the eye than do another push up then congratulations, the Challenge was a success!…
LGF Upper Body Challenge – Week 4
The end is nigh! Just five more ‘work’ days and you will be able to say that you completed the LGF 28-Day Upper Body Challenge. Or as I like to call it, Hell.