Do you want to hear something scary? According to the World Health Organisation, the number of people in the world living with diabetes has nearly quadrupled since 1980. Diabetes Australia quotes that in Australia, 280 people are diagnosed with diabetes every day. That’s one every five minutes. And that figure doesn’t even take into account the number of people currently living with pre-diabetes. Diabetes complications can lead to serious health complications, including heart attacks, stroke, blindness, kidney failure and limb amputation. And the scariest part of all – but the part that should also give us the most hope – is that the most prevalent form of diabetes (type II) is entirely preventable….
Date, Coconut, Nut & Goji Muesli with Butterscotch Surprise
I love muesli. The toasted stuff. The beautifully golden, deliciously sweet toasted stuff. In fact, I love it so much that usually I don’t keep it in the house. It is D-A-N-G-E-R-O-U-S. But sometimes you’ve just gotta live on the edge, you know? So on Sunday I cooked myself up a big batch. Cos I’m crazy yo. I’m proud to say I’ve only eaten about half of it so far and that’s pretty good going in my books, because it’s damn tasty stuff….