Santa has the sweetest life. He does literally nothing for 364 days (I’m sorry, but we all know the elves do the grunt work and Mrs Claus is the brains of the operation), then pulls one all-nighter that basically consists of flying around the world with intermittent breaks to eat some cookies, thus cementing his place as most loved human on the planet. Honestly it’s kind of BS if you ask me….
The Eight-Minute Christmas Pudding Workout
Firstly, Merry Merry MERRY Christmas! Secondly, do not curse me for posting a workout on Christmas Day. I PROMISE I am not trying to guilt you into working out on this glorious occasion, I’m not even suggesting I’ll do it myself. I am merely providing you with a quick workout that can be slotted in between courses SHOULD YOU SO NEED IT to (hopefully) avoid the customary undoing of the top button on your shorts. …
The 12 Days of Christmas Workout
Christmas is a most excellent time of year in the fitness industry. It gives personal trainers the world over a chance to theme their workouts and plan awesome sessions that involve chimney climbers, reindeer games and North pole lunges. It allows us to develop Christmas quizzes, punish you with burpees for incorrect answers and force to you hop around like Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. Ah yes, as far as I’m concerned it doesn’t get any better….