Exercise doesn’t have to be expensive. It doesn’t have to mean gym memberships and personal trainers or fancy home gyms. What it does require is a little imagination. If you open your eyes to the world around you, you’ll see myriad opportunities to take advantage of your surroundings. It might be the playground at your child’s school, the park down the end of your street or the stairs to your apartment block. Or – as was the case during my trip home over Christmas – it could be the boat ramp and rowing club in town….
Post-Holiday Blues
Coming back to Sydney is always bittersweet for me. Don’t get me wrong, I do absolutely love it here; I have amazing friends, live in one of the most beautiful cities on earth, have the best dog in the universe and clients that make ‘work’ fun. Plus I’m about to kick off the second Lazy Girl Fitness Six-Week Challenge! Unfortunately Sydney is just a little too far away from my family… and by ‘a little’ I mean quite a few hundred kilometres. Which means that pretty much every time I came back from a visit up north, I spend the next seven days moping around like a big ol’ sad-sack….
LGF 2015 Christmas Gift Guide
It’s that time of year again! The countdown to Santa is ON and if you’re anything like me you’re starting to panic. Giving presents is in my top five favourite things to do, but it’s also probably in my top five most stressful. And because I don’t want everyone to go through the same anxiety that I do (every.single.year) I’ve put together a gift guide for the active gal. You know, gals like you and I!
Leave this open on your desktop, email it to your friends, partner, parents, all of the above. Just trust me, the products inside all have my seal of approval.
The Eight-Minute Christmas Pudding Workout
Firstly, Merry Merry MERRY Christmas! Secondly, do not curse me for posting a workout on Christmas Day. I PROMISE I am not trying to guilt you into working out on this glorious occasion, I’m not even suggesting I’ll do it myself. I am merely providing you with a quick workout that can be slotted in between courses SHOULD YOU SO NEED IT to (hopefully) avoid the customary undoing of the top button on your shorts. …
The 12 Days of Christmas Workout
Christmas is a most excellent time of year in the fitness industry. It gives personal trainers the world over a chance to theme their workouts and plan awesome sessions that involve chimney climbers, reindeer games and North pole lunges. It allows us to develop Christmas quizzes, punish you with burpees for incorrect answers and force to you hop around like Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. Ah yes, as far as I’m concerned it doesn’t get any better….
Tabata of Terror
What a weekend! Between Christmas catch-ups, play dates with Lucy and Panda the gorgeous greyhounds, the beginning of the Advent Calendar Challenge and my first visit to UFC Gym Sydney, I am EXHAUSTED. Lucky for you (unlucky for you?) not too exhausted to put together another good old LGF workout for you to partake in….
LGF Advent Calendar Challenge
Guys… guys…. guess what! There’s only one month until Christmas!!! I know, I know, I’m beside myself with excitement too. A couple of weeks ago I brought you My Top 5 tips for Getting Through the Silly Season Unscathed, but frankly, that just WASN’T ENOUGH CHRISTMAS! So I’m taking things one step further, with a December challenge for you to participate in. It’s designed to help you burn a few extra calories in the lead up to the big day, and here’s how it works:…
My Top 5 Tips for Getting Through the Silly Season Unscathed
I LOVE Christmas. Each year I try to keep my excitement in check until around mid-November (I don’t want to risk peaking too early) but in all honesty there is nothing more exciting to me than Santa and his wonderful world of elves, reindeer and presents (yay!).