It’s almost time to pack away the electric blanket, strip off those winter layers and re-enter the world of sunshine and happiness, because in approximately 60 hours the clock ticks over to spring and everything will be right with the world once more. And what better way to kick off everyone’s favourite season* than with a 30-day fitness challenge you can do at home?…
How to Feel Your Best in Your Birthday Suit
Save some of that love for yourself
” data-medium-file=”″ data-large-file=”″ loading=”lazy” class=”alignnone wp-image-4419 size-large” src=”″ alt=”how to love yourself” width=”1024″ height=”826″ srcset=” 1024w” sizes=”(max-width: 1000px) 100vw, 1000px” data-recalc-dims=”1″/>A little bit of Googling shows plenty of articles out there with tips on how to LOOK your best in the buff, but – if you ask me – the real issue is in figuring out how to FEEL your best… how to love yourself! It doesn’t matter how textbook-perfect your tummy is or how KK-esque your butt is if you’re carrying negative thoughts about yourself….
LGF #10aDay – Days 25-31
It’s Christmas Eve, and I know that exercise is probably the last thing on your mins. BUT you’ve made it this far, and I am positive that you’ve got another seven days in you. It’s only 10 minutes, so think of the Christmas pudding and ham and get in and get it done. My plan is to get up early and sneak in a workout before anyone else is awake, so I can spend the rest of the day relaxing with my family….
#LGF10aDay – Days 9-16
Unless you’ve been living under a really boring rock, you’ll know that the very excellent, very simple and very F-U-N #LGF10aDay Challenge kicked off last week. The concept is pretty simple – 10 minutes a day, every day, throughout December. It’s your (completely free) ticket to a healthy silly season. I’ve put together a workout for every day of the month (yep, including Christmas Day). All bodyweight exercises, all simple enough to do in your own home or backyard….
LGF 10 a Day Challenge STARTS TOMORROW
It’s happening Team – the Lazy Girl Fitness 10 a Day Challenge starts tomorrow! In case you missed my last post, the 10 a Day Challenge is all about committing to a 10-minute workout every day for the month of December – a time when Christmas parties and good times occasionally (ok, often) get in the way of good physical and mental health….
The LGF 10-a-Day December Challenge – Starts Tuesday
The Christmas period is one of my absolute favourite times of the year. I know plenty of people take issue with the decorations on display and the carols being piped through stores pre-December but if you ask me, November onwards is fair game for anything festive!…
Sign Up for the LGF 8-Week Spring Challenge
Five Ways to Make This Week a Good One
No matter how much you love your job, chances are that Sunday night brings about a touch of melancholy. Do yourself a favour and make this week a good one by implementing these five simple tips….
12 Days of Christmas Cumulative Workout – starts tomorrow
The countdown to Christmas is well and truly on (YAY!) so starting tomorrow I’ll be posting a new mini workout each day. The workout is cumulative (just like the song), so by Day 12 – which also happens to be Christmas Eve – you’ll get a killer workout that’s sure to alleviate any pudding-associated guilt….
Advanced Workout 1
So we’re less than three weeks from Christmas, and – if you’re anything like me – that means you’re out a little more, drinking more, eating differently and just generally not in your usual routine. That’s ok though – you need to have a little fun in your life (or even a lot!), it just means you might need to work a little harder in the gym for the next couple of weeks to keep that balance.
From now until Christmas, I’m going to post an ‘advanced’ workout each Sunday night. That’s three workouts designed to challenge you, make you sweat and burn some of those pesky extra calories.
These workouts are not for beginners though, nope nope nope. So as always, consult your doctor if you’re unsure whether they are suitable for you.
Here’s number 1, give it a whirl and let me know what you think!