It’s no secret that I’m a big fan of High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT). After all, what’s not to love about a workout that burns big calories, gets results and is F-U-N? But with so many studios to sample out there, it can be hard to pick just one. So here’s five HIIT studios in Sydney’s CBD/Eastern Suburbs to try….
10-Minute HIIT Workout
AMRAP Workouts – So Bad They’re Good
15-Minute Friday Fun Workout
Fridays are for fun, right? And although some of us (me! me!) would consider a 45-minute gym session fun, I’m willing to accept that not everyone feels the same. So… what to do when you want to do something, but not that. When you want it to be short, sweet and to the point? A 15-minute HIIT workout of course!…
30-Minute Running Workout
I think I’ve re-discovered my love of running. It’s been coming in waves over the past few months, but I can finally honestly say that I’m enjoying it again.
10-Minute Burpee Workout
Skipping + Bodyweight HIIT Workout
Last Saturday was a bit of a manic day for me. Priorities were pretty much: Lou-walk, spray tan, inordinate amount of washing, pedicure then mad dash to a wedding (spectacular wedding by the way, but that’s a story for another day). Anyway, I knew I wouldn’t have time for a proper workout, but I also knew that I really needed to do something. Situations like this are tough, and the easy way out is just to skip your workout altogether. But we all know that the easy way usually isn’t the best way, right? Right.
Tabata Tuesday – Kettlebell Style
You know what’s enough to turn even the most hardened among us into a quivering mess? Tabata. It’s bloody hard work – let’s just get that out of the road up front. It’s four minutes of what equates to pretty much hell on earth, but also kind of fun in a sucky way (if you’re a masochist) and seriously good for you, for a bunch of reasons I’ve outlined just here….
the HELLO MONDAY workout
Monday…. again. Now I don’t know what kind of evil sorcery is at work here, but I’m pretty sure Mondays are rolling around faster and faster every week. This week it could have something to do with the fact that I had my ma in town visiting. Our weekend was pretty jam-packed…. mainly filled with eating and drinking, but I did force her to work out with me both days so I’m not feeling too guilty. Or guilty at all if I’m completely honest with you. …
Lower Body Burner
I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again – there’s something very impressive about strong glutes and legs. Forget the thigh gap, because seriously what good does that actually do you in the real world? Wouldn’t you rather know that you can kick stuff? Run if you were being chased? Climb a 6-foot fence because you were locked out of your apartment? (yep, that happened this week)….
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