You know what’s enough to turn even the most hardened among us into a quivering mess? Tabata. It’s bloody hard work – let’s just get that out of the road up front. It’s four minutes of what equates to pretty much hell on earth, but also kind of fun in a sucky way (if you’re a masochist) and seriously good for you, for a bunch of reasons I’ve outlined just here….
Lower Body Workout (Burn Baby, Burn)
Believe it or not (and ‘not’ seems a much more obvious choice to make given the weather right now) summer is almost-pretty much-kind of-just around the corner. Yep, the season of swimsuits and tank tops and trips to the beach and summer barbecues and short shorts (ok I’ll stop there) is almost upon us, and you know that that means… it’s time to take your training up a notch.
Full Body Kettlebell Workout 1
Kettlebells are one of my favourite pieces of fitness equipment. Compact, versatile and oh-so effective, I can’t remember life as a trainer before them. One of the things I love about them is that you can design a whole workout using only a couple of bells. This means that you can set yourself up in a space on the gym floor and not have to worry about fighting people for the cable machines or treadmills. Or – if you prefer to work out in the comfort of your own home – it means that for a small investment you’ve got yourself a mini gym!