We’ve all skipped out on a workout or two in our time, but when excuses becomes the rule rather than the exception, it’s time to take a look at those excuses, why you’re using them and how to overcome them and re-discover your workout motivation….
How to Feel Your Best in Your Birthday Suit
Save some of that love for yourself
” data-medium-file=”https://i0.wp.com/lazygirlfitness.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Love.jpg?fit=300%2C242″ data-large-file=”https://i0.wp.com/lazygirlfitness.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Love.jpg?fit=1024%2C826″ loading=”lazy” class=”alignnone wp-image-4419 size-large” src=”https://i0.wp.com/lazygirlfitness.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Love.jpg?resize=1024%2C826″ alt=”how to love yourself” width=”1024″ height=”826″ srcset=”https://i0.wp.com/lazygirlfitness.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Love.jpg?resize=1024%2C826 1024w” sizes=”(max-width: 1000px) 100vw, 1000px” data-recalc-dims=”1″/>A little bit of Googling shows plenty of articles out there with tips on how to LOOK your best in the buff, but – if you ask me – the real issue is in figuring out how to FEEL your best… how to love yourself! It doesn’t matter how textbook-perfect your tummy is or how KK-esque your butt is if you’re carrying negative thoughts about yourself….
Moreish Choc-Nut Muesli
My name is Jessica and I am addicted to chocolate muesli. I swear I didn’t used to love chocolate this much… in the ‘which would you choose first – lollies, ice cream, chocolate or chips?’ game (that I’m hoping everyone else plays or now I just sound weird), chocolate was always sitting down the bottom at number four. But now it’s all I can do to keep my dirty mitts out of the jar it’s kept in. Try it for yourself and you’ll understand why……
Skyzone Alexandria aka My New Favourite Place
Easter egg hunts. Hide and seek. Marco Polo. Boiled eggs with toast soldiers. Tutus. Mum making dinner. Trampolining.
Seriously. We can’t keep letting kids have all the fun. Recently my 8-Week Challenge girls and I decided to make a stand and take back what is rightfully ours, with a trip to Skyzone in Alexandria. You think you know trampolining? You know nothing until you’ve been to this place….
From Couch to Fun Run – preparing for your first race, with Andrew Pap
Running season is nearly upon us, and whether you are planning on completing a 5km or a half marathon, it’s always good to be prepared. Here are ultra-runner and expert Andrew Pap’s top tips for helping you prepare for your first event.…
Oh HAI Adidas Pureboost X
I love a new pair of shoes as much as the next girl, but I do have a few prerequisites. They’ve gotta be versatile enough to wear with different outfits for one, and a little pop of colour is always a winner. Oh and they need to be comfortable enough to get me through hours of bouncing around, obviously. Comfort is key.
OK, maybe I should be more specific: I love sneakers….
The 6 Health Apps on My Phone
Phone apps have seriously changed the world we live in. From connecting with friends, to ordering dinner, to shopping online, to taking better photos, to tracking flights, to wasting time… there’s an app for pretty much any situation you’re ever likely to encounter. But how do you know which apps are worth your time, and which ones you should steer clear of? Well, when it comes to health and fitness apps at least, I can help you out. I’ve downloaded and used a bunch of them in my time – both paid and free – and today I’m showcasing the six that are on highest rotation on my phone….
15-Minute Friday Fun Workout
Fridays are for fun, right? And although some of us (me! me!) would consider a 45-minute gym session fun, I’m willing to accept that not everyone feels the same. So… what to do when you want to do something, but not that. When you want it to be short, sweet and to the point? A 15-minute HIIT workout of course!…
EVENT ALERT: Runstrong Super Session this Saturday
Is it just me or is January disappearing frighteningly fast? I swear that it was New Year’s Eve last week, but my calendar tells me that it’s actually January 20th today (ahem, that’s seven days until my birthday if anyone is interested). The good news about this strange speedy-time phenomenon is that it’s time for me to head home and visit my family again, and this time I am bringing the boy along with me for the first time!. …
Making the Most of Your Surroundings – Interval Workout
Exercise doesn’t have to be expensive. It doesn’t have to mean gym memberships and personal trainers or fancy home gyms. What it does require is a little imagination. If you open your eyes to the world around you, you’ll see myriad opportunities to take advantage of your surroundings. It might be the playground at your child’s school, the park down the end of your street or the stairs to your apartment block. Or – as was the case during my trip home over Christmas – it could be the boat ramp and rowing club in town….
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