Monday…. again. Now I don’t know what kind of evil sorcery is at work here, but I’m pretty sure Mondays are rolling around faster and faster every week. This week it could have something to do with the fact that I had my ma in town visiting. Our weekend was pretty jam-packed…. mainly filled with eating and drinking, but I did force her to work out with me both days so I’m not feeling too guilty. Or guilty at all if I’m completely honest with you. …
Australia Day Workout
It’s the Australia Day long weekend here, and I am proud to say that so far I have been to Bondi Beach, run around the Harbour, eaten at a Matt Moran restaurant, drank hipster coffee and a slushie cocktail (not consecutively), had a hangover, been to Bunnings and gotten a Southern Cross tattoo. Now if that’s not the most gloriously Australian weekend I could have had then frankly, I give up….
Back to Basics 20-Minute Bodyweight HIIT
Partner Workout – Bodyweight & Boxing
During the week, finding the time to work out can be tough. I’m generally up before 6am, but between walking Lou, full-time work, PT sessions, netball and attempting to have a social life, from Monday to Friday my workouts tend to be the hard and fast ones I can fit in my lunch break. By the time Saturday rolls around I am super excited to be able to plan a workout for myself that’s longer than 30 minutes, plus I get to train near the beach and – the most exciting part of all – I get to work out with a partner!…
28-Day Butt & Legs Challenge – FINAL WEEK
Check out the brand new (and improved) LGF Lower Body Challenge, right here.
Welcome to the final week of the LGF 28-Day Butt & Legs Challenge! You’ve been squatting, lunging, bridging and burpee-ing yourself silly, but it’s not over yet! With one week to go, you should be starting to feel the burn, but even more excitingly, you should also be starting to really feel (and see) the difference!
Another At-Home Dumbbell Workout
We had yet another stunning weekend here in Sydney, so what better way to spend some time than out in the backyard (or on the balcony) with a little LGF workout. As we’ve discussed previously in this blog post here, there’s a lot that can be done with a set of small-ish dumbbells and your own bodyweight.