Phone apps have seriously changed the world we live in. From connecting with friends, to ordering dinner, to shopping online, to taking better photos, to tracking flights, to wasting time… there’s an app for pretty much any situation you’re ever likely to encounter. But how do you know which apps are worth your time, and which ones you should steer clear of? Well, when it comes to health and fitness apps at least, I can help you out. I’ve downloaded and used a bunch of them in my time – both paid and free – and today I’m showcasing the six that are on highest rotation on my phone….
LGF #10aDay – Days 17-24
Do You Need a Personal Trainer?
A couple of weeks ago I spoke to Michael Cunico, National Personal Training Manager at Fitness First, to get a little insight into the most common mistakes he sees happening in the gym (you can check out the full post here). Today he’s back, and we’re talking personal trainers – how a good trainer can help combat these mistakes and what you should look for when you’re searching for a PT.…
10-Minute Burpee Workout
Are You Making These Common Workout Mistakes?
There’s no denying that the gym can be a daunting place. So many machines. So many people. SO MUCH TERROR. Unfortunately, when this lack of knowledge is coupled with an inability to ask for help you’ve got a recipe for disaster. A quick scan around the gym before a workout often has me cringing involuntarily – I see a lot of people doing some pretty questionable things. So this week I sat down with Fitness First’s National Personal Training Manager, Michael Cunico, to chat to him about the most common mistakes he sees around the gym. And this is what he had to say…
Skipping + Bodyweight HIIT Workout
Last Saturday was a bit of a manic day for me. Priorities were pretty much: Lou-walk, spray tan, inordinate amount of washing, pedicure then mad dash to a wedding (spectacular wedding by the way, but that’s a story for another day). Anyway, I knew I wouldn’t have time for a proper workout, but I also knew that I really needed to do something. Situations like this are tough, and the easy way out is just to skip your workout altogether. But we all know that the easy way usually isn’t the best way, right? Right.
The Filthy Fifty Workout (bodyweight)
Oh my god this cold weather is KILLING ME. Over the weekend I finally (begrudgingly) acknowledged the fact that summer is over with a little winter-centric shopping spree… given my wardrobe up until now has pretty much consisted of singlets and shorts this was not so much an indulgence as a necessity though, and I can now say with a little more confidence that I think I’ll survive ’til spring….
10-Minute Abs
Can I let you in on a guilty secret? I’m always skipping out on ab stuff. Unless I sneak it into the middle of my workouts there’s no freaking way I’ll be doing it… I just always find something better to do, like run off to my next appointment, eat my lunch, watch the grass grow. So usually I try to approach abs in a similar way to a mother trying to get her child to eat veggies without it noticing what’s going on. Except in this scenario I’m the mother and the child. It’s a bit like squats, push-ups, plank, lunges… what? Noooo, no abs here Jess, you totally imagined it.
Sometimes it works. Sometimes it doesn’t. Let’s face it, it can be hard to fool yourself in this kind of scenario. I shouldn’t be such a baby about it though. After all, I know how good it is for me, and who doesn’t want a killer six-pack? (Or at least a two-pack, right?). And throughout the 28-Day Abs Challenge I’m really diligent! But then I fall back into back habits.
Anyway, this week I’ve decided that I will commit to a short standalone abs workout on five of the seven days. It’ll only take 10 minutes and you should do it with me!
Whaddaya ya say?
Walk In Her Shoes Fundraiser – Train With Me!
Live in Sydney and want to help me raise money for a good cause? Come to my fundraising training session! See above and RSVP by Wednesday. I’ve got an awesome session planned, with lucky door prizes from some amazing companies – so get on board!…
Skipping + Burpee Workout
I love working out… which is lucky really, because otherwise being a personal trainer would have been a very poor career choice….
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