A few months ago I put together a push up tutorial for beginners, followed by six bodyweight variations for you to try. I trust that you have been practicing morning, noon and night since then, and that you’re finally ready for the next installment….
Push Up Tutorial
Push ups. Love ‘em or hate ‘em, you know they’re good for you. Personally I think they’re an underrated exercise – a good push up works plenty of muscle groups, including the chest, shoulders, triceps, biceps and core. They’re a tough exercise, and not many people really do them well. But let me tell you a little secret – the best way to get better at push ups is to do more push ups!…
One Fence, Five Ways
If you’ve been following my blog here for a while (well, the 10 weeks that it’s been going anyway), no doubt you’ll be aware that many of my workouts are designed to be undertaken outside in the fresh air. As an outdoor trainer, it’s possible that I’m a little biased, but I do think there’s something special about training amongst nature, with the smell of freshly cut grass, rain and the occasional dog poo.