Don’t judge me, but I’ve been known to show up late to a social occasion (ok… or not show up at all) to ensure I didn’t miss my daily exercise, whether it be Pilates, a run or a quick 20 minute workout. Yep exercise and fitness has always been a priority for me… or at least that was the case until Alfie was born. As I mentioned in this post, I expected to return to exercise a few weeks after giving birth. Oh bless me and my naivety. And then when my body finally was keen, my mind still wasn’t ready to get back on the horse (or Reformer, as it were)….
10-Minute HIIT Workout
LGF #10aDay – Days 17-24
10-Minute Burpee Workout
Skipping + Bodyweight HIIT Workout
Last Saturday was a bit of a manic day for me. Priorities were pretty much: Lou-walk, spray tan, inordinate amount of washing, pedicure then mad dash to a wedding (spectacular wedding by the way, but that’s a story for another day). Anyway, I knew I wouldn’t have time for a proper workout, but I also knew that I really needed to do something. Situations like this are tough, and the easy way out is just to skip your workout altogether. But we all know that the easy way usually isn’t the best way, right? Right.
8-Minute Workout Finisher
The ‘Whenever You Think Of It’ Workout
30-Minute Skipping Workout
Skipping. It’s not something I’ve done a huge amount of since Jump Rope for Heart back in primary school. Well, that was the case until this past week or so anyway. A few friends and I from work are in the process of learning how to box properly (as opposed to the more boxing-for-fitness stuff I currently do with my groups). As part of that, our trainer (also a colleague) is making us do a lot of skipping, to help us become lighter on our feet. Can I just tell you, I had almost forgotten just how awesome skipping is. What a most excellent workout indeed!…
Australia Day Workout
It’s the Australia Day long weekend here, and I am proud to say that so far I have been to Bondi Beach, run around the Harbour, eaten at a Matt Moran restaurant, drank hipster coffee and a slushie cocktail (not consecutively), had a hangover, been to Bunnings and gotten a Southern Cross tattoo. Now if that’s not the most gloriously Australian weekend I could have had then frankly, I give up….
Get Fit for Summer? Get Fit for Life Baby!
So, summer is approximate 75 hours away and – damn it – you’ve left your 2013/14 New Year’s resolution to ‘get fit’ a little late… again….