Live in Sydney and want to help me raise money for a good cause? Come to my fundraising training session! See above and RSVP by Wednesday. I’ve got an awesome session planned, with lucky door prizes from some amazing companies – so get on board!…
Last Minute City2Surf Tips
Adventure Race Workout 2
A couple of weeks ago I shared with you my first adventure race workout. If you haven’t tried it yet, you should. And if you have tried it, congratulations – you win a gold star and a ticket to round two!
The Biggest Exercise Mistake I Made this Week
These days I’ve become much better at listening to what my body is trying to tell me. If I’m having a flat day I’ll program myself a less intense gym workout, if I’m feeling a bit rundown I’ll up the greens and supplements in my diet and if my body wants a little chocolate – well, as you know by now, I give it that too. But there’s one area I really fall down in, and that’s running.
Lunchtime Strength Circuit
It’s a common misconception among women that a lunch break does not provide enough time for a good weights-based workout – I think that’s why you see so many of us pounding away on the treadmill day in, day out. The truth is that you can get a great strength session completed in under 30 minutes, which leaves plenty of time to have a shower, re-apply makeup and blow dry your hair, or whatever it is that you need to do. The trick is simple – be prepared.