Five Ways to Burn More Calories Today

I’m a big believer in incidental exercise – always have been. It’s one part of me that is decidedly un-lazy actually (if you can accept that un-lazy is even a thing). Really, why drive to places that are within walking distance? Why wait around for an elevator when you could be up two flights of stairs in less than a minute? I’ve always liked to think of these things as free exercise. Extra calories here and there that I can burn just going about my everyday life. And you know what? It all adds up!

Is this you? (borrowed from

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The Only Piece of Fitness Equipment You’ll Ever Need

No, it’s not a skipping rope. I am, of course, talking about a DOG. Seriously, a dog is your ticket to incidental exercise. When you make the decision to own a dog, you’re making a commitment of sorts to your health and wellbeing. A dog needs to be walked, he needs to breathe fresh air and other doggie smells and your ‘I’ll start tomorrow’ excuses just won’t cut it with him.


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Six-Minute Abs

If ‘There’s Something About Mary’ taught me anything, it’s that eight-minute abs didn’t stand a chance once seven-minute abs came along. So it stands to reason that this six-minute ab workout is going to Blow Your Mind. You should be using your core all day, every day, but it doesn’t hurt to tack a little ab session onto the end of your regular workout too. Makes for nicer looking ‘beach muscles’ anyway (as one of my PT lecturers used to call them). As always, I’m about efficiency, so I like to set this up as a circuit.

Want a toned tummy? Do this!

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For the Love of Stairs

I have a bit of a love-hate relationship with stairs. Actually, it’s more of a grudging respect-hate relationship. They hurt, oh how they hurt, but damn they’re good for you.

Stairs Wednesday has become a bit of a tradition in my workplace. Every week we lace up our joggers and head to Mrs Macquarie’s Chair for a little dose of hell on earth. Now the concept of a stairs workout just ain’t that complicated. You go up, you go down. Singles, doubles, jumps, hops, however you do it, it’s going to hurt. And this week, hurt it did. By the end of our session I was literally dripping with sweat, and my legs were shaking for the entire jog (which I’m big enough to admit petered into a walk) back to the office.

Where the fun begins!

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The No-Equipment Workout

I get frustrated when I read ‘no equipment’ workouts that require you to have two trees spaced exactly 13.5 metres apart, a sturdy chair and two 2.25 kilo bags of rice… I feel like it’s false advertising. But I will admit that working your upper body can be difficult without any equipment, so this workout focuses on the lower body, with some upper, core and total body exercises thrown in for good measure. You can do it in your lounge room, on the balcony, by the side of the road, or wherever takes your fancy. It’ll be over and done with in under 30 minutes but trust me, go hard the whole time and you’ll burn big calories!

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