Adventure Race Workout 1

So in case you hadn’t noticed, since the Tough Bloke Challenge a week ago I’ve developed a little thing for adventure races. Getting down and really really dirty with mates can be quite a bonding experience, but one thing I’ve learnt is that ordinary workouts simply don’t prepare you for knee high mud, monkey bars, tyre-jumping, rope climbing and wall clambering. No sirree, this kind of hell deserves it’s own special kind of training.


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Simple Workout for Beginners

If you haven’t done much in the way of exercise since compulsory PD/H/PE classes ended in year eight there’s no doubt that many of the workouts out there (and even on here) could be a little intimidating. So if the phrase ‘high intensity interval training’ has you cowering in the corner, fear not – this post is for you!

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Five Reasons to Get Yourself a Training Partner

Training run with my bro
Training run with my bro

My brother and his fiancé have been visiting for the past few days which is super cool for a lot of obvious reasons, but one thing I wasn’t counting on was how awesome it is to have someone to train with. Generally I’m more than happy to train alone but I’d forgotten what a positive effect a training partner can have on your session.

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