Do You Recognise These Excuses for Skipping a Workout?

workout motivation
We’ve all skipped out on a workout or two in our time, but when excuses becomes the rule rather than the exception, it’s time to take a look at those excuses, why you’re using them and how to overcome them and re-discover your workout motivation.

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50 Things to Be Happy About

Happiness is a funny thing. Have you ever actually sat around and wondered what happiness is and how to be happy? Sometimes it feels big. And sometimes it’s just a teensy tiny glow in your heart. Sometimes it’s expected. And sometimes it comes completely out of nowhere and you’ll find yourself randomly thanking your lucky stars for all the amazing things you have in your life.

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How to Feel Your Best in Your Birthday Suit

how to love yourself

A little bit of Googling shows plenty of articles out there with tips on how to LOOK your best in the buff, but – if you ask me – the real issue is in figuring out how to FEEL your best… how to love yourself! It doesn’t matter how textbook-perfect your tummy is or how KK-esque your butt is if you’re carrying negative thoughts about yourself.

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From Couch to Fun Run – preparing for your first race, with Andrew Pap

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Andrew Pap – owner of Battle Fit Australia and SKINS athlete

Running season is nearly upon us, and whether you are planning on completing a 5km or a half marathon, it’s always good to be prepared. Here are ultra-runner and expert Andrew Pap’s top tips for helping you prepare for your first event.

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The 6 Health Apps on My Phone

Phone apps have seriously changed the world we live in. From connecting with friends, to ordering dinner, to shopping online, to taking better photos, to tracking flights, to wasting time… there’s an app for pretty much any situation you’re ever likely to encounter. But how do you know which apps are worth your time, and which ones you should steer clear of? Well, when it comes to health and fitness apps at least, I can help you out. I’ve downloaded and used a bunch of them in my time – both paid and free – and today I’m showcasing the six that are on highest rotation on my phone.

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Making the Most of Your Surroundings – Interval Workout

Lou really loves doing sessions (and photoshoots) with me
Lou really loves doing sessions (and photoshoots) with me

Exercise doesn’t have to be expensive. It doesn’t have to mean gym memberships and personal trainers or fancy home gyms. What it does require is a little imagination. If you open your eyes to the world around you, you’ll see myriad opportunities to take advantage of your surroundings. It might be the playground at your child’s school, the park down the end of your street or the stairs to your apartment block. Or – as was the case during my trip home over Christmas – it could be the boat ramp and rowing club in town.

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2015 – What I Learned

Each year on the blog I like to look back on the year that was… the highs, the lows, and the moments and events that really struck a cord with me. This year I’ve decided to do things a little differently though. Instead of focusing on individual events, I want to take stock of a few big lessons I learned, and how I learned them. I’m four days late, but better late than never, right?

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LGF Gift Guide – For Her

Now I don’t want to cause too much alarm, but there are only 10 DAYS left until Christmas. 10 DAYS! So if your Christmas shopping has been less ‘shopping’ and more, ahem, ‘partying’ then it’s probably time to get your game face on. And by that I mean ‘pay very close attention to the following Gift Guide that I’ve put together for you’, complete with links to purchase. It’s for the fit and healthy ladies in your life and you are welcome.

For Her_blog

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2015 Christmas Gift Guide – Under $50

So Santa’s packed his sleigh and is gearing up to leave the North Pole while your Christmas list seems to be getting longer by the second. Luckily, the Lazy Girl Fitness 2015 Christmas Gift Guide (Under $50 edition) has you covered! Perfect for the ladies in your life that love to stay fit and healthy (and have a little fun while doing it!). Or might I suggest forwarding to your mum/sister/partner/best friend as a little hint? I won’t tell.

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Why I Do What I Do

Sometimes it’s hard to remember why you do it. It doesn’t matter what ‘it’ is – it could be that volunteering gig you signed up for; writing a novel in your spare time; coaching that children’s sports team; or – in my case – running your blog.

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