My Fit Life with Zoe Bingley-Pullin

You might know Zoe Bingley-Pullin as the ‘good’ half of Good Chef, Bad Chef on Channel 10. What you mightn’t know is that not only is she an accomplished chef, she’s also a trained nutritionist, cookbook author and mum, who loves to share he passion for food. And on top of all that, Zoe is a huge advocate for getting out and getting moving – whether that be scheduled personal training sessions or walks with her family. Phew, tired yet? Well, Zoe’s not, and today she’s sharing with us exactly where her seemingly boundless energy is coming from. Sign us up!

LineTake us through your week in exercise
I take a real lifestyle approach to exercise, to make sure it fits as best as possible with my schedule; things have definitely changed since having my daughter Emily, and it’s now about exercising when I can.

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My Fit Life with Annie Townley, SOGZ founder


Annie combines a traditional office job with her solopreneur career in colourfully designed microfiber gym towels. She draws her energy from regular exercise, which also has the added bonus of giving her mind something non-work related to think about! Annie has lived in Sydney for the last three years with her equally active husband, and spends her downtime on flat whites and almond croissants.Line

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My Fit Life with Kate Russell

Kate Russell is the Regional Community Manager for one of my all-time favourite brands, lululemon athletica. She’s got an energy that’s infectious, a passion for all things health and fitness and a healthy appreciation for a glass or two of wine. She also happens to be one of my closest friends and my live-in #ladyhusband, so I see firsthand exactly how much energy and passion she puts into everything she does. All of her deepest, darkest health and fitness secrets are right here, so trust me when I say that this is one My Fit Life you don’t want to miss.Line

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My Fit Life with Maya Anderson

Maya Anderson_profile
Maya Anderson is House Nerd, a blogger and freelance journalist in Perth. She’s obsessed with homes, renovations and interior design, and her Instagram account is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G. Plus, she’s into dogs AND exercise. Instead of focusing on lots of organised classes, she uses walking and running as a way to catch up with friends, plays sport with her husband and uses her workouts as a way to relax after a particularly stressful day.

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My Fit Life with Nancy Dinis

Nancy Dinis is Design Finder, offering a fashion experience to help anyone with an appetite for classic fashion. Beyond that, Nancy is an accredited exercise scientist working as a Health Coach, and a huge advocate of prioritising your health and fitness. Most days you’ll find her hitting the gym for a weights or spin session or heading outdoors for some fresh air and yoga. Fashion + fitness = a winning combination in my books.

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My Fit Life with Victoria Norton

Victoria Norton_profile
Victoria Norton has a passion for fitness that is contagious. A self-confessed reformed chocaholic, Victoria is now the poster girl for healthy, balanced living. A full-time mum and wellness blogger over on Training for Chocolate, she now sees every day as an opportunity to break through limitations and set a good example for her kids. And in her own words, “if I can do it, anyone can.”

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Five Fit Minutes with… Lauren Priest

I first met Lozzy a few years ago when she was just a wee little tyke, running the City2Surf for the first time. She was full of energy and totally crazy back then, and not much has changed since. Oh, except she’s now a qualified personal trainer and has just completed her Masters in Dietetics and taken on a full time role as a dietician. And she’s still only 23.

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