Why I Do What I Do

Sometimes it’s hard to remember why you do it. It doesn’t matter what ‘it’ is – it could be that volunteering gig you signed up for; writing a novel in your spare time; coaching that children’s sports team; or – in my case – running your blog.

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My Fit Life with Zoe Bingley-Pullin


You might know Zoe Bingley-Pullin as the ‘good’ half of Good Chef, Bad Chef on Channel 10. What you mightn’t know is that not only is she an accomplished chef, she’s also a trained nutritionist, cookbook author and mum, who loves to share he passion for food. And on top of all that, Zoe is a huge advocate for getting out and getting moving – whether that be scheduled personal training sessions or walks with her family. Phew, tired yet? Well, Zoe’s not, and today she’s sharing with us exactly where her seemingly boundless energy is coming from. Sign us up!

LineTake us through your week in exercise
I take a real lifestyle approach to exercise, to make sure it fits as best as possible with my schedule; things have definitely changed since having my daughter Emily, and it’s now about exercising when I can.

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Do You Need a Personal Trainer?

Michael Cunico, National PT Manager FF exerciseA couple of weeks ago I spoke to Michael Cunico, National Personal Training Manager at Fitness First, to get a little insight into the most common mistakes he sees happening in the gym (you can check out the full post here). Today he’s back, and we’re talking personal trainers – how a good trainer can help combat these mistakes and what you should look for when you’re searching for a PT.

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10-Minute Burpee Mash-Up

burpee mashup
My love of burpees is well documented. Some would go so far as to say that it’s borderline unhealthy, but I find it’s best not to listen to those people – #hatersgonnahate and all that.

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Are You Making These Common Workout Mistakes?

Technique on point.
Technique on point… Michael Cunico shows us how it is D-O-N-E.

There’s no denying that the gym can be a daunting place. So many machines. So many people. SO MUCH TERROR. Unfortunately, when this lack of knowledge is coupled with an inability to ask for help you’ve got a recipe for disaster. A quick scan around the gym before a workout often has me cringing involuntarily – I see a lot of people doing some pretty questionable things. So this week I sat down with Fitness First’s National Personal Training Manager, Michael Cunico, to chat to him about the most common mistakes he sees around the gym. And this is what he had to say…


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So I’ve Done Something a Little Bit Stupid…

My inspiration...
If spidernan can do it…

So I think I’ve finally lost the plot. It started quite few months ago, when my very excellent (and very-new-at-the-time) boyfriend and I went on a rock-climbing date. And I loved it. Plus I think I wanted to impress him. It was some combination of the two at any rate. Fast forward a few months and I feel like I might have taken things too far though, because it would appear I’ve signed up to abseil down a 33-storey building (that’s 1 Market Street in the Sydney CBD), as part of Abseil for Youth, raising money for the Sir David Martin Foundation, with all proceeds going directly towards helping young people in crisis to overcome drug and alcohol addiction.

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My Fit Life with Annie Townley, SOGZ founder


Annie combines a traditional office job with her solopreneur career in colourfully designed microfiber gym towels. She draws her energy from regular exercise, which also has the added bonus of giving her mind something non-work related to think about! Annie has lived in Sydney for the last three years with her equally active husband, and spends her downtime on flat whites and almond croissants.Line

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Stop Skipping Breakfast! 3 Make-Ahead Ideas from Zoe Bingley-Pullin

ZBP Vitasoy Ambassador 1
It’s no secret that a good breakfast sets you up for a good day. It’s also no secret that a scary number us are still either making poor choices or skipping it altogether. I sat down with nutritionist, chef and Vitasoy ambassador Zoe Bingley-Pullin to uncover what exactly makes a good breakfast (and I stole a few recipes for you while I was at it).

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Solar Springs Retreat – Review


Relaxing is not something I do a lot of. Between two jobs, the blog, a boyfriend that kind of makes time disappear, a handsome but demanding dog and trying to have a semi-active social life, there’s not a lot of time for it. So when I was offered the chance to escape the city and head to Solar Springs Health Retreat in Bundanoon for a couple of nights, I jumped at it.

Just a couple of hours from Sydney but a whole world away in terms of pace, I was pretty excited to switch off my phone, spend a bit of time with said boyfriend and have someone else look after… well, everything else. So on a Sunday morning in August I packed every item of clothing I own into a bag (the Southern Highlands are really cold guys) and off we went, stopping in Bowral on the way for a surprise brunch at Biota Dining and a visit to the Bradman Museum (I don’t even know who I am anymore) before on to the main event.

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