Stop Skipping Breakfast! 3 Make-Ahead Ideas from Zoe Bingley-Pullin

ZBP Vitasoy Ambassador 1
It’s no secret that a good breakfast sets you up for a good day. It’s also no secret that a scary number us are still either making poor choices or skipping it altogether. I sat down with nutritionist, chef and Vitasoy ambassador Zoe Bingley-Pullin to uncover what exactly makes a good breakfast (and I stole a few recipes for you while I was at it).

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Solar Springs Retreat – Review


Relaxing is not something I do a lot of. Between two jobs, the blog, a boyfriend that kind of makes time disappear, a handsome but demanding dog and trying to have a semi-active social life, there’s not a lot of time for it. So when I was offered the chance to escape the city and head to Solar Springs Health Retreat in Bundanoon for a couple of nights, I jumped at it.

Just a couple of hours from Sydney but a whole world away in terms of pace, I was pretty excited to switch off my phone, spend a bit of time with said boyfriend and have someone else look after… well, everything else. So on a Sunday morning in August I packed every item of clothing I own into a bag (the Southern Highlands are really cold guys) and off we went, stopping in Bowral on the way for a surprise brunch at Biota Dining and a visit to the Bradman Museum (I don’t even know who I am anymore) before on to the main event.

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Five Simple Ways to Make Today a Good Day

hopeyourdayFeeling happier and healthier isn’t always about the big things. Sometimes it’s the little things that can turn your day from average to smiling-so-much-your-face-hurts. Here are five simple ways to turn your Friday into Fri-yay! (Sorry, even I cringed as I typed that).

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Skipping + Bodyweight HIIT Workout

skipping.bwLast Saturday was a bit of a manic day for me. Priorities were pretty much: Lou-walk, spray tan, inordinate amount of washing, pedicure then mad dash to a wedding (spectacular wedding by the way, but that’s a story for another day). Anyway, I knew I wouldn’t have time for a proper workout, but I also knew that I really needed to do something. Situations like this are tough, and the easy way out is just to skip your workout altogether. But we all know that the easy way usually isn’t the best way, right? Right.

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Sign Up for the LGF 8-Week Spring Challenge



(new clients only)

The countdown is on to the next Lazy Girl Fitness 8-Week Challenge, so if you’ve been thinking about stepping up your training, this is the way to do it.

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My Fit Life with Kate Russell

Kate Russell is the Regional Community Manager for one of my all-time favourite brands, lululemon athletica. She’s got an energy that’s infectious, a passion for all things health and fitness and a healthy appreciation for a glass or two of wine. She also happens to be one of my closest friends and my live-in #ladyhusband, so I see firsthand exactly how much energy and passion she puts into everything she does. All of her deepest, darkest health and fitness secrets are right here, so trust me when I say that this is one My Fit Life you don’t want to miss.Line

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Tabata Tuesday – Kettlebell Style

You know what’s enough to turn even the most hardened among us into a quivering mess? Tabata. It’s bloody hard work – let’s just get that out of the road up front. It’s four minutes of what equates to pretty much hell on earth, but also kind of fun in a sucky way (if you’re a masochist) and seriously good for you, for a bunch of reasons I’ve outlined just here.

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8-Minute HIIT Bodyweight Workout

Arctic conditions
So Team, apparently we’re having an arctic snap. I don’t really know what that means, but I’ve taken to wearing a singlet, a long sleeve top, a duck down vest, a duck down jacket and some gloves every time I leave the house, so to be honest we could be in the middle of an actual blizzard and I’m not sure I would notice.

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